Certificaciones de producto


Resumen de especificaciones de los bloques de hormigónde cáñamo de Isohemp.

Versión documento: Abril 2021

Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) – Specifications – IsoHemp

The goal is the realisation of the life cycle assessment of IsoHemp hempcrete blocks. The company wants to communicate on its product in accordance with the rules and standards of the European countries. It also wants to comply with Luxemburg rules. To that end, IsoHemp has to obtain a LENOZ certification 1(Lëtzebuerger Nohaltegkeets Zertifizéierung fir Wunngebaier or Luxemburg sustainability certification for residential buildings).

National Technical Approval (ATG) – IsoHemp

Based on a defined product performance, an ATG confirms the fitness for use of an application and provides installation or handling prescriptions. The subsequent ATG certification confirms the conformity with the published approval of the products as actually manufactured and delivered.

Valid from 16/01/2020 until 15/01/2025